Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Visit my website!

Happy fourth of July everyone!! Well, it is almost over, so hopefully everyone had a great day and night and was safe! I am hoping that you enjoy my posts everyday, so today I am going to take the time to introduce my website to you! I started the website the same day I started this blog and it is still working in progress. This website is a must see to help you plan a great successful vacation to the Cayman Islands! There is a lot of pictures showing my vacation and of the island itself. You will find the basics, which were an about me page, a purpose page, privacy policy, ect. You can have excess to plenty of links to different attractions, restaurants, scuba diving operations, and even a currency converter! You can also view some of my articles which are the history of the Cayman Islands, a tutorial of how to prepare yourself for a trip to the Grand Cayman, and some recommended readings to get you started on your journey! There will be more articles to come such as recommended products, top attractions to visit, all about wildlife on the island, scuba diving article, and lastly a problem solving technique that you will not want to miss! Last but not least, you can visit my gift shop for the Captivating Caymans! You can have your choice on five different products, which are a women's tank top, a men's t-shirt, a beach bag, a water bottle, and a travel mug. There are all perfect items to bring with you to the Cayman Islands. So as you pack for your trip do not forget to pack your Captivating Caymans gear! There is more to come within the next two weeks, but still visit the website! You will not be disappointed! Click here to see!

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