Friday, July 6, 2012

Another Travel Blog!

I started researching other travel blogs to see how I could make mine better since this is my first blog ever (by the way, I am loving it so far!). I ran across a blog called Trip & Travel Blog. It is a blog all about travel all over the world, not just Cayman Islands. It consists of blogs about Zimbabwe, New York, France, etc. It includes pictures and links for the entire blogs to coincide with the information. The blog is organized by subcategories so it is easier to find certain articles. Some if the categories are best reviews, where & when, travel info graphics, travel pet, travel gadgets, travel art, and more. So not only does it give you suggestions to see different parts of the world. You can also view blogs about where is the best place to visit if you have to take a pet along. You can read about different gadgets are good for traveling, such as a GPS or a backpack. It is easy to jump around to different articles and search what you are looking for. What I like about this blog is it is not on one certain topic. It covers everything from food to entertainment to countless places around the world! You will find everything and anything on this site! It is quite amazing how much you can find and discover. Something I thought was a great idea, was on the top of the website you can 'submit an experience'. This is where you can go on the blog and write them about an experience you had when traveling about anything, and then they might use your information for insider tips on their blog. This is a must see, so go check it out on your own and see this awesome blog! Click here to visit Trip & Travel Blog.

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